A book and a connection…



I’m reading this wonderful book called Knitlandia: A Knitter Sees the World, by Clara Parkes.  I saw this book being mentioned here and there (everywhere) on Instagram and I went to the book store to find out what all the hubbub was about.  Clara Parkes is the force behind The Knitters Review.  She is a writer, teacher and a master knitter.  To say she knows knitting is an understatement.  Her book is lovely and is a compilation of different travel tales around knitting.  One chapter (…so far, I haven’t read the whole book yet) is about a tour she did in Iceland with fellow knitters.  Her descriptions of Iceland are so vivid and captivating and it makes me want to go there to experience it all.  She also talks about the history of certain types of yarn and sheep, which is truly fascinating.  This book is so worth reading!  A common thread throughout the stories of her visits to fiber festivals and her knitting travels, are the knitters themselves.  The people she meets, the old and new friends she connects with and the general knitting community are her tribe.


On this rainy day I decided to start a hat using Puffin yarn by Quince & Co in Marsh. The pattern is the Northwoods Hat from The Modern Natural Dyer book by Christine Vejar.

The word “connection” keeps coming up in conversations lately.  I’ve been thinking a lot about connection and where I get mine.   I have had periods in my life where I have wondered, where is my tribe?  By “tribe” I mean, the people you connect with that inspire you, that encourage your creativity, that you fit in with.  As women, I think our tribes change and evolve.  When I had my first child and didn’t have a CLUE what I was doing (still don’t, but I have a lot more confidence now), I joined a new mothers breastfeeding group.  These women were my tribe for sure.  We supported each other and got through a very new and scary-yet-exhilarating time in our lives.  These women rocked.  I am so thankful for them and that group.  Since then, as the river of life often changes, some friendships have changed, some have stayed or moved on and new friendships have been made.  I am blessed with a wonderful group of friends who truly get me.  They are part of my tribe for sure.  My hand-picked family.

The other part of my tribe are the people who create.  Who sew.  And knit.  Who you don’t actually know but you may recognize them wearing a handmade piece of clothing (you know the clothing because you’ve had your eye on that pattern) or you recognize the fabric and you end up talking to them about patterns and fabric and you get a buzz from that (at least I do).  I love it when I meet a perfect stranger who happens to sew or knit and they ask me what pattern I am wearing.  It’s kind of thrilling to me because this random stranger is part of my tribe.  There is a connection.  I love that connection.

Where do you get your connection?  Who is your tribe?

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